GPUE  v1.0
GPU Gross-Pitaevskii Equation numerical solver for Bose-Einstein condensates
Grid Class Reference

Class to hold the variable map and grid information. More...

#include <ds.h>

Public Member Functions

void store (std::string id, cufftDoubleComplex *d2param)
void store (std::string id, int iparam)
void store (std::string id, double dparam)
void store (std::string id, double *dsparam)
void store (std::string id, bool bparam)
void store (std::string id, std::string sparam)
void store (std::string id, EqnNode_gpu *ensparam)
void store (std::string id, EqnNode astparam)
int ival (std::string id)
double dval (std::string id)
double * dsval (std::string id)
bool bval (std::string id)
std::string sval (std::string id)
cufftDoubleComplex * cufftDoubleComplexval (std::string id)
EqnNode_gpuastval (std::string id)
EqnNode ast_cpuval (std::string id)
void write (std::string filename)
bool is_double (std::string id)
bool is_dstar (std::string id)
bool is_ast_gpu (std::string id)
bool is_ast_cpu (std::string id)
void print_map ()
void set_A_fn (std::string id)
void set_V_fn (std::string id)
void set_wfc_fn (std::string id)

Public Attributes

dim3 grid
dim3 threads
functionPtrV V_fn
functionPtrA Ax_fn
functionPtrA Ay_fn
functionPtrA Az_fn
functionPtrwfc wfc_fn
double * x
double * y
double * z
double * xp
double * yp
double * zp
std::string Kfn
std::string Vfn
std::string Afn
std::string Axfile
std::string Ayfile
std::string Azfile
std::string Wfcfn

Detailed Description

Class to hold the variable map and grid information.

Definition at line 86 of file ds.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ast_cpuval()

EqnNode Grid::ast_cpuval ( std::string  id)

◆ astval()

EqnNode_gpu* Grid::astval ( std::string  id)

◆ bval()

bool Grid::bval ( std::string  id)

◆ cufftDoubleComplexval()

cufftDoubleComplex* Grid::cufftDoubleComplexval ( std::string  id)

◆ dsval()

double* Grid::dsval ( std::string  id)

◆ dval()

double Grid::dval ( std::string  id)

◆ is_ast_cpu()

bool Grid::is_ast_cpu ( std::string  id)

◆ is_ast_gpu()

bool Grid::is_ast_gpu ( std::string  id)

◆ is_double()

bool Grid::is_double ( std::string  id)

◆ is_dstar()

bool Grid::is_dstar ( std::string  id)

◆ ival()

int Grid::ival ( std::string  id)

◆ print_map()

void Grid::print_map ( )

◆ set_A_fn()

void Grid::set_A_fn ( std::string  id)

◆ set_V_fn()

void Grid::set_V_fn ( std::string  id)

◆ set_wfc_fn()

void Grid::set_wfc_fn ( std::string  id)

◆ store() [1/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
cufftDoubleComplex *  d2param 

◆ store() [2/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
int  iparam 

◆ store() [3/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
double  dparam 

◆ store() [4/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
double *  dsparam 

◆ store() [5/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
bool  bparam 

◆ store() [6/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
std::string  sparam 

◆ store() [7/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
EqnNode_gpu ensparam 

◆ store() [8/8]

void Grid::store ( std::string  id,
EqnNode  astparam 

◆ sval()

std::string Grid::sval ( std::string  id)

◆ write()

void Grid::write ( std::string  filename)

Member Data Documentation

◆ Afn

std::string Grid::Afn

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ Ax_fn

functionPtrA Grid::Ax_fn

Definition at line 117 of file ds.h.

◆ Axfile

std::string Grid::Axfile

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ Ay_fn

functionPtrA Grid::Ay_fn

Definition at line 117 of file ds.h.

◆ Ayfile

std::string Grid::Ayfile

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ Az_fn

functionPtrA Grid::Az_fn

Definition at line 117 of file ds.h.

◆ Azfile

std::string Grid::Azfile

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ grid

dim3 Grid::grid

Definition at line 113 of file ds.h.

◆ Kfn

std::string Grid::Kfn

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ threads

dim3 Grid::threads

Definition at line 113 of file ds.h.

◆ V_fn

functionPtrV Grid::V_fn

Definition at line 116 of file ds.h.

◆ Vfn

std::string Grid::Vfn

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ wfc_fn

functionPtrwfc Grid::wfc_fn

Definition at line 118 of file ds.h.

◆ Wfcfn

std::string Grid::Wfcfn

Definition at line 195 of file ds.h.

◆ x

double* Grid::x

Definition at line 121 of file ds.h.

◆ xp

double * Grid::xp

Definition at line 121 of file ds.h.

◆ y

double * Grid::y

Definition at line 121 of file ds.h.

◆ yp

double * Grid::yp

Definition at line 121 of file ds.h.

◆ z

double * Grid::z

Definition at line 121 of file ds.h.

◆ zp

double * Grid::zp

Definition at line 121 of file ds.h.

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