Building GPUE

GPUE is designed with both a traditional Makefile and CMake, both of which may be used for different purposes, depending on the hardware available.

Dependencies and Hardware

We have attempted to maintain a small dependency list for GPUE, and so only require the following dependencies:

  1. CUDA (version $\geq$7.5.18)
  2. CUFFT (bundled with CUDA)
  3. GCC (version $\geq$4.9) or clang (version $\geq$3.9)
  4. CMake (version $\geq$3.8; optional)

GPUE performs computation almost entirely on GPU hardware, and the sm_2.0 (Fermi) to sm_7.0 (Volta) architectures are all supported. A list of all cards within these ranges can be found on wikipedia.


CMake is the preferred building system for GPUE; however, a CMake version $>=$ 3.8 must be used. In this case, run

cmake .

in the primary GPUE directory and then run make as in the Makefile example. make clean will clean the directory for rebuilding.


If you wish to build without CMake, a sample makefile is provided that may be modified to suit the CUDA paths on your test system. Here a slightly modified GPUE Makefile:

CUDA_HOME = /path/to/cuda/
GPU_ARCH        = sm_XX
OS:=    $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
CUDA_LIB        = $(CUDA_HOME)/lib
CUDA_HEADER     = $(CUDA_HOME)/include
CC              = $(CUDA_HOME)/bin/nvcc -ccbin /usr/bin/clang --ptxas-options=-v
CFLAGS          = -g -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets
CUDA_LIB        = $(CUDA_HOME)/lib64
CUDA_HEADER     = $(CUDA_HOME)/include
CC              = $(CUDA_HOME)/bin/nvcc --ptxas-options=-v --compiler-options -Wall
CHOSTFLAGS      = #-fopenmp
CFLAGS          = -g -O3 -std=c++11 -Xcompiler '-std=c++11' -Xcompiler '-fopenmp'

CUDA_FLAGS      = -lcufft

CLINKER         = $(CC)
RM              = /bin/rm
LDFLAGS         = -L$(CUDA_LIB)
EXECS           = gpue # BINARY NAME HERE

DEPS = ./include/constants.h ./include/ds.h ./include/edge.h ./include/evolution.h 
./include/fileIO.h ./include/init.h ./include/kernels.h ./include/lattice.h ./include/manip.h
./include/minions.h ./include/node.h ./include/operators.h ./include/parser.h ./include/split_op.h
./include/tracker.h ./include/unit_test.h ./include/vort.h ./include/vortex_3d.h ./include/dynamic.h

OBJ = fileIO.o kernels.o split_op.o tracker.o minions.o ds.o edge.o node.o lattice.o manip.o
vort.o parser.o evolution.o init.o unit_test.o operators.o vortex_3d.o dynamic.o

%.o: ./src/ $(DEPS)
        $(CC) -c -o $@ $(INCFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -Xcompiler "-fopenmp" -arch=$(GPU_ARCH) $<

%.o: ./src/ $(DEPS)
        $(CC) -c -o $@ $(INCFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(CUDA_FLAGS) -Xcompiler "-fopenmp" -arch=$(GPU_ARCH) $< -dc

gpue: $(OBJ)
        $(CC) -o $@ $(INCFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(CUDA_FLAGS) -Xcompiler "-fopenmp" -arch=$(GPU_ARCH) $^

        @-$(RM) -f r_0 Phi_0 E* px_* py_0* xPy* xpy* ypx* x_* y_* yPx* p0* p1* p2*
EKp* EVr* gpot wfc* Tpot 0* V_* K_* Vi_* Ki_* 0i* k s_* si_* *.o *~ PI* $(EXECS) $(OTHER_EXECS)
*.dat *.eps *.ii *.i *cudafe* *fatbin* *hash* *module* *ptx test* vort* v_opt*;

To use the Makefile, the first 2 lines must be modified to reflect your desired cuda/ path and the architecture of your GPU device. After this, simply make to build the code. If rebuilding is necessary, run make clean then make.

If you are developing GPUE, this file will need to be modified as new code is developed.

Testing GPUE

Once GPUE is built, please run unit tests with ./gpue -u and make sure everything passes. If there is a failure in the build, please create an issue on GitHub.

Experimental Docker support

Given the recent interest in containerised HPC software, we have provided some support for using GPUE within a Docker environment. To take advantage of this requires the installation of the Nvidia CUDA runtime for Docker (see here for details). For a successfully installed (and working) Docker environment, a local GPUE Docker image can be built using:

    cd gpue/
    docker build .

After the build, the container may be run as

docker run --runtime=nvidia <IMAGE TAG> /gpue/gpue -u

The provided GPUE path assumes it has been installed within the root (/) directory on the container. Additionally, an automated build is available for the latest changes of the GPUE source code using the Dockerhub mlxd/gpue:latest, wherein a build is triggered by a commit hook against the GPUE master branch.

Please note that tests with native builds are expected to offer greater performance.