Python Scripts

GPUE provides a number of python scripts in the py/ directory. This page explains what each script is and its intended use.

As a note: GPUE is primarily a simulation program. Data analysis of this nature must be done on a case-by-case basis, and as such, these scripts only intend to provide basic functionality for plotting the output wavefunction and additional variables. If more advanced functions are required, please create these on your own or discuss them with us on GitHub

This file is a stand-alone plotting script for 2 dimensional data and can be run like so:

python i wfc g 256 256 r 0 1000 100 d data

This will plot the wavefunction from imaginary-time evolution using a grid of 256x256 from values 0 to 1000 in steps of 100. Obviously, the code requires these data files to exist in the data directory before plotting. The script will default to plotting only a single 512x512 data file from the data directory if no gridsize, range, or directory is provided.

All 2 dimensional variables can be plotted in this way. If real-time dynamics are desired, simply use the wfc_ev flag instead of wfc.

This file is a list of functions necessary to analyze 3 dimensional data, and an example of how it might be used can be found in the file.

Here are the primary functions and their intended usage:

wfc_density(xDim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval, i)

This function outputs an item that corresponds to the wavefunction density. This item can be turned into a .bvox or .vtk file with the to_bvox() and to_vtk() functions described later. The pltval argument can read either wfc for imaginary-time evolution or wfc_ev for real-time evolution.

wfc_phase(xDim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval, i)

This function outputs an item that corresponds to the wavefunction phase. This item can be turned into a .bvox or .vtk file with the to_bvox() and to_vtk() functions described later. The pltval argument can read either wfc for imaginary-time evolution or wfc_ev for real-time evolution.

proj_phase_2d(xDim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval, i)

This slices the wavefunction along the z-axis and outputs the phase as a wfc_ph_i file, where i corresponds to the value read into this function. The pltval argument can read either wfc for imaginary-time evolution or wfc_ev for real-time evolution. This file can be plotted with, for example.

proj_2d(xDim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval, i)

This slices the wavefunction along the z-axis and outputs the density as a wfc_i file, where i corresponds to the value read into this function. The pltval argument can read either wfc for imaginary-time evolution or wfc_ev for real-time evolution. This file can be plotted with, for example.

var(xDim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval)

This function outputs an item that corresponds to the variable to be plotted. This item can be turned into a .bvox or .vtk file with the to_bvox() and to_vtk() functions described later. The pltval argument can be any existing file in the data_directory that is formatted for 3 dimensional output.

proj_var2d(xdim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval, file_string)

This slices the 3 dimensional variable along the z-axis and outputs the phase as a file with the name file_string This file can be plotted with, for example.

proj_var1d(xdim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, pltval, file_string)

This slices the 3 dimensional variable along the z and y axes and outputs the phase as a file with the name file_string This file can be plotted with any standard plotter, like gnuplot.

to_bvox(item, xDim, yDim, zDim, nframes, filename)

This takes an item output from the wfc_phase(), wfc_density(), or var() functions and turns it into a .bvox file with name filename to be read by blender. The nframes function corresponds to the number of frames blender will plot. For almost all cases, this should be 1. The .bvox file can be used further with the file.

to_vtk(item, xDim, yDim, zDim, data_dir, filename)

This takes an item output from the wfc_phase(), wfc_density(), or var() functions and turns it into a .vtk file with name filename to be read by blender. This can be directly read into 3 dimensional plotters like Paraview and is the preferred method to visualize data in 3 dimensions.

This file works with the blender bpy library to create a 3 dimensional image from a .bvox file and the voxelfile and outfile must be modified depending on the file input and output.

It is run with the following command:

blender -b -P

To open up the blender GUI with the density plotted, run:

blender -P

This is an example script of how to find the energy of a 2 dimensional simulation from GPUE. As a note, this functionality is already completely implemented in GPUE by outputting the energy every timestep with the -E flag; however, this script provides an example of how this can be done with python.

This file enables ordering and trajectory calculation of the vortices that are output from GPUE. All available vort_arr_XYZ files are loaded from the GPUE simulation output, and a linked-list data-structure is create, wherein each vortex is assigned a unique ID (uid). These uid values are then ordered and swapped between subsequent timesteps to the most-likely candidate after each time-step of evolution. The resulting data, once ordered, is then output into a new file format vort_ord_XYZ.csv, with each vortex uid constant over the time-series. This allows for the creation of vortex trajectories, as is perfomed by matlab/vtxTrajectory.m. Some additional details are also given on the 2D GPUE functionality page.

A typical workflow of involving this file is as follows:

gpue <simulation parameters>
cd <data_directory>
python py/

This script enables MPI-distributed wavefunction density generation for 2D data only. $|\Psi|^2$ is plotted over all available timesteps, and is distributed using mpi4py. To ensure this works, mpi4py MUST be built against the MPI library running on the local machine (be it a laptop, or a supercomputer). Some useful instructions on this are provided by NERSC under the “Building MPI4PY” subtitle.

Once set-up, this script can be run to generate images both with and without the colour-bar, and enumerating the specific vortices as analysed by, as follows:

Note: to ensure this script runs correctly, should be run first to generate ordered vortex lists as vort_ord_XYZ.csv.

mpirun -n 32 python py/ true true #first true is for colorur-bar, second true is for vortex enumeration in plot

The result will be n PNG images, one for each wavefunction dataset. [deprecated]

This file was originally developed for calculating statistical quantities over the vrortex data. However, much of the functionality has been added to other segments of the code-base, and all that remains here is a sample script for the vortex least-squares position estimation, as discussed here. The example can be run as:

python py/ 0 1000 #where 0 and 1000 represent the start and end values for which to calculate the least-sqyuares refinement. [deprecated]

This file offers a re-write of the MATLAB code for calculation of the kinetic energy spectra, as well as the ability to calculate values for some known observables, such as the quadrupole mode, breathing mode, and angular momentum as key examples. Running this file expects the wavefunctions and Params.dat to be available in the running directory. Values are calculated and plotted over the available timesteps, and output as PDF files.